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The truth behind
organ donation
& transplants

The truth behind organ donation & transplants

      OrganFacts.net  … Wait for the Lord; take courage and He will give strength to your heart; yes, wait for the Lord. (Psalm 27:14)

 © OrganFacts.net

… The truth behind organ donation & organ transplants


Carina Melchior

Carina Melchior , a 19 year old student, suffered severe injuries after crashing her car. Doctors said she would soon be “brain dead” and convinced her family to consent to organ donation. But, as doctors gathered around her bed to prep her for organ donation, she suddenly opened her eyes and moved her legs. Now she is making a full recovery. [more]


Steven Thorpe

Steven Thorpe , 17 year old Warwickshire youth, was declared “brain dead” by four doctors, but his parents did not give up on him, and insisted on another opinion from an independent GP and a neurosurgeon. Steven made an unexpected recovery and left hospital alive seven weeks later. [more]


Zach Dunlap

Zach Dunlap , a 21 year old Oklahoma man, was “feeling pretty good” four months after he was diagnosed as “brain dead”. Ironically, Zach heard the doctors pronounce him dead, but was unable to do anything about it. A few days later, he revived and spoke to his family. [more]


Sam Schmid

Sam Schmid , a 21 year old Arizona college student, was critically wounded in a five-car accident. Surgeons thought he had no hope of recovery and broached organ donation with his family. Sam was poised to ‘donate’ his vital organs, when he suddenly emerged from a coma. He has since had rehabilitation and walks with the aid of a walker. [more]


Val Thomas

Val Thomas , 59 year old West Virginia woman, came back to life, after being clinically “brain dead” for 17 hours. Attempts to revive her after a heart attack had failed, and doctors diagnosed her as “brain dead”. Later “she moved her arm, coughed and asked for her son.” ... she was alive. [more]


Gloria Cruz

Gloria Cruz , 56 year old Northern Territory woman, was declared “brain dead” and expected to ‘die’ within 48 hours. A doctor, a social worker and a ‘patient advocate’ urged her husband to remove the ventilator and let her ‘die’. But he refused and 3 days later, Gloria revived, awoke from her coma and was getting around hospital in a wheelchair. [more]


Madeleine Gauron

Madeleine Gauron , a 76 year old Quebec woman, was diagnosed by medical staff as “brain dead”, with no hope of recovery. Doctors asked if the family would agree to organ donation, but the family asked for more medical tests. The next day, astonishingly, she awakened and sat up in bed and ate yogurt. [more]


Rae Kupferschmidt

Rae Kupferschmidt , 65 year old Minnesota woman, suffered a massive cerebral haemorrhage and doctors diagnosed her as “brain dead”. She was taken home to die and her family began making funeral arrangements. When Rae spontaneously sucked an ice cube offered by her daughter, she was found to be alive. She later walked. [more]


Suzanne Chin

Suzanne Chin suffered cardiac arrest and collapsed into unconsciousness. Taken to hospital, she remained in a coma and the head of ICU, two neurologists & a cardiologist said she was brain-dead with no hope of recovery. But her husband refused to turn of her life support. 3 days later, Suzanne revived & is now well & very much ALIVE. [more]

Why this website?

This website is aimed at informing people about what really goes on in the organ industry, so that they will not be susceptible to the lies and manipulation of organ donor agencies, transplant co-ordinators and organ harvesters. Hopefully the facts and evidence on this website will help save lives.

The life you save may be yours or that of your loved one.

We don’t have the millions of taxpayers’ dollars that our opponents have, and our efforts may at times seem puny or limited. Nevertheless, we still have freedom of speech and a love of truth, and that means we can speak out against this ugly business. And, with your interest and help, we can share this information with more and more people.

People need to hear the truth!

Who in their right mind would willingly submit to being declared “dead” and having their vital organs removed while they are still a living, breathing person?

How many “organ donors” are agreeing to inferior medical treatment when they suffer a brain injury? How many are consenting to being treated as a “heart beating cadaver” until organ recipients can be prepped to receive their body parts?

How many parents of children smashed up in car accidents or street bashings realise that the brain injury to their child can be treated and that they can be revived, if they receive proper healing medical treatment and care? But, instead of this, the parents are told that their son or daughter is “dead” or will die, and that they should “give the gift of life” to someone else … by consenting to “organ donation” ie: the harvesting of every vital organ in their child’s body … while their heart is still beating.

How many “organ donors” expect to writhe about in pain as the surgeons dissect them? (Because they are not a cold cadaver and they can still feel pain and distress!)

This website and many like it (see Links) exist to tell people the truth.

You know … the real question is not “Why this website?”, but:

Why does a civilised society condone and actively promote the gross and brutal organ industry,
when it dehumanises the most vulnerable people and violates the sanctity of human life?

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