… The truth behind organ donation & organ transplants
Organ harvesters and the government claim that, if you become an organ donor, you can “donate life” or “give the gift of life” to someone in need of organs.
But can you really give life to someone who is already alive?? Of course not. It’s just hype and propaganda aimed at compassionate, caring people … like you … to make you register as an organ donor.
ANSWER: Probably your life!
If you consent to being an ‘organ donor’, you are inviting organ harvesters to dissect you and remove YOUR vital organs WHILE YOU ARE STILL ALIVE! Organ removal will cause YOUR real death! Organs from truly dead persons are not viable for transplanting into another person, that’s why they need living organs from living donors.
And there is no guarantee that your organs will benefit the recipient. In many cases, transplanted organs lower the recipient’s quality of life and reduce their life span. So why all the “Gift of Life” hype? And why don’t they tell ‘donors’ about the risks?
Click on the links above to find out more. (free eBook)